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Vietnam visa requirements for Dutch

Providing free tools that anyone can check to make sure if the citizens of Netherlands do need a visa to Vietnam or not; also giving the instructions on how to get the Vietnam visa from Netherlands or from any countries.

Vietnam immigration policies regulated that almost resident of the countries must have Vietnam visa prior to arriving Vietnam, except the citizens in the Vietnam visa exemption list. You should check carefully if you are in the Vietnam visa exemption list or you are obligated to make a Vietnam visa (or visa approval letter) before entering country. It will keep you away from many troubles during your entry.

Is Vietnam visa required for Dutch citizens?

"Yes, Dutch citizens do need a visa to enter Vietnam"

Visa approval letter for Dutch sample

(Visa approval letter for Dutch processed by Vietnam visa DEPT)

Netherlands is one of the 26 European countries forming the Schengen area which have no border controls between them. However, visa is one of the many things for which Dutch citizens need to prepare before traveling to Vietnam.

"Visum is slechts een van de vele dingen waarvoor je voor te bereiden voordat u op reis Vietnam. Vietnam immigratiebeleid geregeld dat bijna ingezetenen uit landen moeten Vietnam visum voor het invoeren van Vietnam, behalve de burgers van visa vrijgestelde landen. Je bent blij om te controleren of u bent Vietnam visum vrijgesteld burgers of u bent verplicht om Vietnam visum of Vietnam goedkeuringsbrief hebben voor aankomst Vietnam. Het zal u weg te houden van veel problemen tijdens uw invoer."

From Netherlands, the applicants may apply for Vietnam visa by 3 options:

Apply now

If you have any further queries, comments or feedback, please kindly call us by +84-912-685-141 or send an email to We are happy to assist you at our best.

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